Free PDF to SVG Converter

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Convert PDFs to SVG Extract images from PDF files and embed them as image data references (data URIs) into the resulting SVG. This conversion process creates SVGs that include encoded image data within <image> elements, allowing for standalone and scalable graphics.

Why Convert PDFs to Images?

  • Why Convert PDFs to SVG?
  • Scalable, High-Quality Extracts: Converting PDFs to SVG preserves vector-based graphics. The resulting SVG files maintain crisp, high-resolution quality at any scale, ensuring your designs look sharp on any device or when printed.
  • Flexible Integration: SVG files are versatile. They can be embedded directly into websites, presentations, and reports. With the ability to style and animate SVGs using CSS and JavaScript, they offer a flexible solution for interactive and responsive design projects.
  • Efficient Archiving: Archiving PDF pages as SVGs is an effective way to store visual content. SVGs are typically lightweight and editable, making them ideal for long-term storage, reusability, and future modifications without a loss of quality.